You are using staging server - a separate instance of the ESP Component Registry that allows you to try distribution tools and processes without affecting the real registry.


# Iperf command

[![Component Registry](](

This repository contains `iperf` command based esp-idf console.

## Documentation

### Supported commands:

- Part of official iperf:
- And `iperf --abort`

  iperf  [-suV] [-c <host>] [-p <port>] [-l <length>] [-i <interval>] [-t <time>] [-b <bandwidth>] [-f <format>] [--abort]
    iperf command to measure network performance, through TCP or UDP connections.
    -c, --client=<host>  run in client mode, connecting to <host>
    -s, --server  run in server mode
      -u, --udp  use UDP rather than TCP
    -p, --port=<port>  server port to listen on/connect to
    -l, --len=<length>  Set read/write buffer size
    -i, --interval=<interval>  seconds between periodic bandwidth reports
    -t, --time=<time>  time in seconds to transmit for (default 10 secs)
    -b, --bandwidth=<bandwidth>  bandwidth to send at in Mbits/sec
    -f, --format=<format>  'k' = Kbits/sec 'm' = Mbits/sec
        --abort  abort running iperf

### Installation

- To add a plugin command or any component from IDF component manager into your project, simply include an entry within the `idf_component.yml` file.

      version: "^0.1.0"
- For more details refer [IDF Component Manager](


Supports all targets

License: Apache-2.0

To add this component to your project, run: add-dependency "ydc-0/iperf-cmd^0.0.1-dev6"

or download archive


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ydc-0/iperf-cmd version: 0.0.1-dev6