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uploaded 2 years ago
Espressif Serial Slave Link Library


# Espressif Serial Slave Link (ESSL) component

This component used to reside in [esp-idf]( project as its component.

It's used on the HOST, to communicate with ESP chips as SLAVE via SDIO/SPI slave HD mode.

The port layer (`essl_sdio.c/essl_spi.c`) are currently only written to run on ESP chips in master mode, but you may also modify them to work on more platforms.

See more documentation:


Supports all targets

License: Apache-2.0

To add this component to your project, run: add-dependency "espressif/esp_serial_slave_link^0.0.1"

or download archive


  • Archive size
    Archive size ~ 31.71 KB
  • Downloaded in total
    Downloaded in total 29 times
  • Downloaded this version
    This version: 14 times


espressif/esp_serial_slave_link version: 0.0.1