You are using staging server - a separate instance of the ESP Component Registry that allows you to try distribution tools and processes without affecting the real registry.
# TMP102 One-Shot Temperature Measurement Example This example demonstrates how to use the TMP102 temperature sensor in one-shot mode with the ESP32 using the ESP-IDF framework. The application initializes the TMP102 sensor, triggers a one-shot temperature measurement, and logs the temperature readings. ## Features - **Initialization**: Configures the TMP102 sensor for I2C communication. - **One-Shot Mode**: Triggers single temperature measurements to save power. - **Power Management**: Places the TMP102 sensor in sleep mode between measurements. ## Hardware Requirements - **ESP32 Development Board** - **TMP102 Temperature Sensor** - **I2C Pins**: - SCL connected to GPIO 14 - SDA connected to GPIO 13 ## Connections | TMP102 Pin | ESP32 Pin | Description | |------------|-----------------|----------------------| | VCC | 3.3V | Power supply | | GND | GND | Ground | | SCL | GPIO 14 | I2C Clock Line | | SDA | GPIO 13 | I2C Data Line | ## Software Setup ### Prerequisites - ESP-IDF v5.3 or later - TMP102 library integrated into your project. ### Example Code Overview ```c #include "esp_log.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "driver/gpio.h" #include "tmp102.h" static const char *TAG = "tmp102_example"; void app_main(void) { tmp102_config_t conf = { .addr = 0x48, .pin_scl = GPIO_NUM_14, .pin_sda = GPIO_NUM_13, }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(tmp102_init(&conf)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(tmp102_sleep()); while (1) { tmp102_one_shot(1); while (tmp102_one_shot(0) == 0) { float temp = tmp102_read_temp_c(); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Temp in Celsius: %.2f", temp); } vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } }
To create a project from this example, run: create-project-from-example "whysaputro/tmp102^1.0.1:one-shot_temperature_reading"