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uploaded 4 weeks ago
A port of libssh2 as an ESP-IDF component


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[![GitHub release](](

# libssh2_esp

> libssh2 + ESP-IDF


A port of [libssh2-1.11.1]( as an ESP-IDF component.
The library itself is included unmodified as a git submodule in the
`libssh2` directory. [An example](examples/ssh2_exec) is provided to
demonstrate using SSH to run a command on a remote server.

## Usage

1. As a ESP-IDF managed component: In your project directory run

``` add-dependency skuodi/libssh2_esp==1.0.0

2. As a git submodule: In your project, `components/` directory, run

git submodule add
git submodule update --init --recursive

The library can be configured via ` menuconfig` under `Component config` > `libssh2`.

## Examples

- [ssh2_exec](examples/ssh2_exec) - run the `ls` command at [](


## Porting notes

The configuration of this component in ESP-IDF menuconfig is located under
`Component config` > `libssh2` where the `Compile libssh2 with debug logging`
option can be enabled to compile debug log functions into the final binary.<br>
With the logging functions included in compiation,
`libssh2_trace(session, bitmask)` must be called at runtime to select the
phases of the SSH operation for which to enable logging. See the example in

The cryptography engine used by libssh2 may also be set under
`Component config` > `libssh2`  > `Cryptography engine`, though the only one
currently supported is `mbedTLS` which comes bundled into ESP-IDF by default.

### Important:

As the library was designed for use on a different platform, the
string format specifier used in logging the `uint32_t` type is
`%u` (unsigned integer) but, on ESP32, is expected to be `%lu`
(long unsigned integer) and this generates compilation errors because
ESP-IDF compiles with the `-Wformat=1` flag set by default, treating format
warnings as errors.

The workaround for this is implemented in [CMakeLists.txt](CMakeLists.txt#L44):
disabling **all** format print warnings, and the compiler will ignore print
format bugs **in user code**. It is therefore recommended to ensure your code
contains no such bugs before including this component.

## License

Released under [BSD-3-Clause](/LICENSE) by [@skuodi](


Supports all targets

License: BSD-3-Clause

To add this component to your project, run: add-dependency "skuodi/libssh2_esp^1.0.0"

or download archive


  • Archive size
    Archive size ~ 1.24 MB
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    Downloaded in total 0 times
  • Downloaded this version
    This version: 0 times


skuodi/libssh2_esp version: 1.0.0