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# ESP_JPEG ESP_JPEG is Espressif's lightweight JPEG encoder and decoder library. The memory and CPU loading are optimized to make better use of Espressif chips. ## Features Encoder: - Support variety of width and height to encoder - Support RGB888 RGBA YCbYCr YCbY2YCrY2 GRAY raw data - Support YUV444 YUV422 YUV420 subsampling - Support quality(1-100) - Support 0, 90 180 270 degree clockwise rotation, under the follow cases.   1. src_type = JPEG_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbYCr, subsampling = JPEG_SUBSAMPLE_420 and width and height are multiply of 16.   2. src_type = JPEG_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbYCr, subsampling = JPEG_SUBSAMPLE_GRAY and width and height are multiply of 8. - Support mono-task and dual-task - Support two mode encoder, respectively block encoder and one image encoder. Decoder: - Support variety of width and height to decoder - Support one and three channels decoder - Support RGB888 RGB565(big endian) RGB565(little endian) CbYCrY raw data output - Support 0, 90 180 270 degree clockwise rotation, under width and height are multiply of 8. add-dependency "jason-mao/esp_jpeg^0.0.1"