You are using staging server - a separate instance of the ESP Component Registry that allows you to try distribution tools and processes without affecting the real registry.


Example of the component espressif/esp_wifi_remote v0.2.3
# WiFi remote EPPP RPC server

This is a standalone application serving as the slave device for `esp_wifi_remote` users (with `eppp` RPC).

## Overview

You need to configure and connect a slave device to the `esp_wifi_remote` host and run this application. Please fallow carefully these guidelines on HW connection and configuration of the slave device, based on the host device.

## HW connection

We currently support only `UART` transport you just need to connect Rx, Tx and GND and configure these fields accordingly:

## SW configuration

You will have to install server side certificates and keys, as well as the CA which should verify the client side.
Please configure these options:

To create a project from this example, run: create-project-from-example "espressif/esp_wifi_remote=0.2.3:server"

or download archive (~4.69 KB)