You are using staging server - a separate instance of the ESP Component Registry that allows you to try distribution tools and processes without affecting the real registry.
# pb_example Simple serialization/deserialization example. Use int, string, bytes, any, oneof fields. Build: ``` build ``` #### Protobuf ```protobuf syntax = "proto3"; package example; import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; import "logs.proto"; message SubMessage { int32 val = 1; } message foo { int32 bar = 1; google.protobuf.Any val = 2; optional string s = 3; optional bytes b = 4; oneof test_oneof { string name = 5; SubMessage sub_message = 6; } extlib.msg1 m1 = 7; } ``` #### Source: ```cpp #include "file1.pb.h" #include "google/protobuf/any.pb.h" #include "logs.pb.h" #include "esp_log.h" static const char* const tag = "pb_example"; extern "C" void app_main(void) { bool result = false; std::string buffer; { example::foo f{}; extlib::msg1 m{}; f.mutable_b()->append("\xAA\xBB\xCC"); f.mutable_s()->append("def"); m.add_data(12); m.add_data(15); f.mutable_val()->PackFrom(m); m.clear_data(); m.add_data(3); m.add_data(4); *f.mutable_m1() = m; f.mutable_sub_message(); // add oneof and rewrite it f.mutable_name()->append("Echpochmuck"); f.mutable_sub_message()->set_val(99); result = f.SerializeToString(&buffer); ESP_LOGI(tag, "serialization %s", result ? "OK" : "FAILED"); } { example::foo f{}; extlib::msg1 m{}; result = f.ParseFromString(buffer); ESP_LOGI(tag, "deserialization %s", result ? "OK" : "FAILED"); ESP_LOGI(tag, "f.s: \'%s\'", f.s().c_str()); for (const auto& v : f.b()) { ESP_LOGI(tag, "f.b: 0x%02X", v); } result = f.val().UnpackTo(&m); ESP_LOGI(tag, "deserialization of Any field %s", result ? "OK" : "FAILED"); for (const auto& v : { ESP_LOGI(tag, " %ld", v); } for (const auto& v : f.m1().data()) { ESP_LOGI(tag, " %ld", v); } switch(f.test_oneof_case()) { case example::foo::kSubMessage: ESP_LOGI(tag, "oneof is f.sub_message().val(): %ld", f.sub_message().val()); break; case example::foo::kName: ESP_LOGI(tag, "oneof is %s",; break; case example::foo::TEST_ONEOF_NOT_SET: ESP_LOGI(tag, "oneof is not set"); break; } } } ``` #### components/proto_files/CMakeLists.txt: ```cmake if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_EARLY_EXPANSION) include(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/managed_components/albkharisov__esp_google_protobuf/cmake/ProtobufConfig.cmake) set(GENERATED_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/generated") # any.proto is absent in lite environment set(ADDITIONAL_PROTO google/protobuf/any.proto ) list(APPEND PROTO_DIRS repo1 third_party/repo2 ) discover_proto_files(proto_SOURCES generated_SOURCES "${PROTO_DIRS}" ${GENERATED_DIR} ${ADDITIONAL_PROTO}) message(STATUS "found proto: ") foreach(line IN LISTS proto_SOURCES) message(STATUS "\t${line}") endforeach() # idf_component_register() checks source files availability # so create them on this step. Real ones appear during a build step foreach(file IN LISTS generated_SOURCES) get_filename_component(dir ${file} DIRECTORY) make_directory(${dir}) file(TOUCH ${file}) endforeach() endif() set(generated_INCLUDES ${GENERATED_DIR}/dir1 ${GENERATED_DIR} ) idf_component_register( INCLUDE_DIRS "${generated_INCLUDES}" SRCS ${generated_SOURCES} REQUIRES albkharisov__esp_google_protobuf ) # comment this if you want to keep generated CXX files in git index # and don't want to build protoc and generate proto files each time. add_proto_generation("${PROTO_DIRS}" "${proto_SOURCES}" ${GENERATED_DIR}) ```
To create a project from this example, run: create-project-from-example "albkharisov/esp_google_protobuf=1.0.10:pb_example"